
  1. Go to the block tab
  2. Click the “Add Block” button
  3. Select “image set”
  4. Upload some images (PNG or JPG)
  5. Use the “Next Trial” button in the footer to navigate through the block you’ve just created
  6. Now, start again, but try adding multiple stimulus sets


Welcome to Experimaker Basics. This time, we’re learning how to add a new block.

Click the “Add Block” button. Select a name. Select a stimulus type. Name your stimulus set, thenĀ upload! We’re uploading 3 files, and so Experimaker will create 3 trials.

But what if we want multiple stimuli on a single screen? Let’s add a new block. This time, we’ll add 3 stimulus sets. As you upload each set, Experimaker automatically adds it to the view.

3 sets, each with 3 stimuli. So that’s 3 trials again. Experiment with different combinations!