The timeline is one of the most important concepts in Experimaker. This is where most of the complexity of an experiment is defined. By default, every block has at least 1 timeline. However, the researcher can define additional timelines.

Each timeline consists of a starting condition, and at least 1 timepoint. The starting condition for the default timeline is On Trial Start. This means that the timeline begins counting from 0 ms at the start of a trial. Other starting conditions include On Participant InputOn Stimulus Playback EndOn Block End. Once the API is released, technically minded researchers will be able to define their own arbitrary starting conditions.

A timepoint is a single moment in time, defined by an integer value in milliseconds (ms). For example, 0 ms, 2000 ms, 1267 ms are all possible timepoints. Each timepoint has a layout and 0 or more events.

A layout is defined by a) an arrangement of containers b) an association of stimulus sets to containers. Currently, researchers must choose between a list of predefined container layouts. In future, you will be able to define your own arbitrary layouts, as defined by their x/y co-ordinates.

Currently, researchers must choose between a list of predefined timepoint events. Once the API is released, technically minded researchers will be able to define their own arbitrary events.